common errors Practice Questions Answers Test with Solutions & More Shortcuts


In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and choose the option corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, choose the "No error".

Question : 1 [IBPS PO CWE 2013]

The government has signed 1)/ a memorandum of understanding with 2)/ the company to set up 3)/ a plant in the state . 4)/ No error 5).

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

Answer: (e)

No Error

Question : 2 [SSC CAPFs SI, ASI 2016]

(P) While Mahendra was away (Q) on a long official tour (R) his office receive an important letter which was marked ‘Urgent’. (S) No error

a) P

b) Q

c) R

d) S

Answer: (c)

R has an error.

The sentence shows Past Time. Hence, Past Simple i.e. his office received an important letter which is the right usage.

Question : 3 [SSC CAPFs SI, ASI 2016]

(P) Foolishly Rama threw (Q) some water on the electric heater (R) when it catches fire and he got a shock. (S) No error

a) P

b) Q

c) R

d) S

Answer: (c)

R has an error.

The sentence shows Past Time. Hence, Past Simple i.e. when it caught fire and he got a shock is the right usage.

Question : 4 [SBI PO 2013]

1) India has entered a downward spiral / 2) Where the organized productive / 3) and law abide sectors are subject to / 4) savage amounts of multiple taxes. / 5) No error.

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

Answer: (c)

Replace ‘abide’ with ‘abidin’ and ‘subject’ with ‘subjected’

Question : 5 [SSC CGL Tier-I 2016]

While I was driving home, (1)/ I heard some shocking news (2)/ at the radio. (3)/ No error (4)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

Answer: (c)

It is preposition related error. Hence, on the radio ....... should be used here.

Did you hear the interview with you on the radio ?

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